¿cómo dices lo indecible?
te vuelves pájaro para cantar
la canción del alma;
mariposa para mostrar
en colores al vuelo,
el secreto de la crisálida;
flor para soltar
todos los perfumes del corazón;
viento para llevar
todos sus sonidos,
silbar su canción,
acunar su aroma,
dar vuelo al gozo preso.
O dejas que el silencio hable...
How do you utter the unutterable?
you become a bird to sing
the soul song;
a butterfly to show
in colors, when you fly,
the secret of the chrysalis;
a flower to release
all your heart's perfumes;
the wind to carry
all its sounds,
to whistle its song,
to rock its fragrance,
to let the captive joy free.
Or you let the silence speak...
How do you utter the unutterable?
you become a bird to sing
the soul song;
a butterfly to show
in colors, when you fly,
the secret of the chrysalis;
a flower to release
all your heart's perfumes;
the wind to carry
all its sounds,
to whistle its song,
to rock its fragrance,
to let the captive joy free.
Or you let the silence speak...