Monday, January 28, 2019

New time, no time

New time, no time

I follow the same trail in the park,
but somehow it's not the same anymore.

The path is even now.
The park keepers worked hard to even it out,
to patch the holes.

Two ducks in the pond remind me of Spring,
and of several Springs ago
when they had ducklings once.
But not today.

Today they bathe, they plunge their heads
to lift some water over their backs.
They move quickly.

Today there are waves on the surface of the water.
The wind blows fast and cold.
The water runs over the little dam,
clear, happy, singing.

My hands are my hands,
my feet, my feet,
but I am not the same.

Nature moves only on the surface of things,
but underneath, there is quietness,
there is stillness of breath.

Seasons change, some things die, others live,
still others evolve,
but underneath, there is no movement,
there is this stillness of being.

I grew up, I grew old,
yes, I have changed,
I'm not the same anymore, 
but underneath I've found a new time,
no time.

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