Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Autumn leaves in your soul

Calm waters in the creek

Mud pads on the road


Concentric waves on the lake

When you throw your rock

Extinguished fire in your heart


Memories and pictures on your walls

Naked trees in your garden

Iced water in your mouth


Quiet steps on the grass

Labyrinths of wind

Crackled clouds in the sky


Yellow papers

Old dust

Dry rinds






And this faint taste

Of your kiss

On my lips


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Take me tomorrow

Sí Pablo Neruda los escribió tristes, ya sé. Es hermosa la tristeza también...

Take me tomorrow

Take me tomorrow where the light is bright
Where the air is clear and the water limpid.
Take me to play with the children
To swim in the ocean, to walk in the woods,
Free of danger and fear.

Take me to the place where I can be me
Without withholding, or preparing for a challenge,
Take me where the mangrove grows
where life goes wild, and the wind blows strong,
where the wave is high and the fish can thrive.

Take me tomorrow to the place of peace,
Where we all can play in a safely way,
Where the tree is not bothered,
Where the lion roars,
the zebra runs and the sheep can sleep.

Take me tomorrow to the place of unworries,
Where I can open my eyes and see,
With no need for perfection or invention,
Where I can see my soul,
Where there is no difference between you and me,
Because we are One with You.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

driven by fear

I just realized (booooommmm!) that this people (me too?) is driven by fear.
Fear of other people, fear of the future, fear of the germs, fear of nature, fear of the air, water and the like elements, fear of the news, especially the economy, fear of the employer, fear of walking alone, fear of letting children play outside, oooohhhh my, where in the world this people got all that fear?

I also just realized how naive I am (boooooooommmmmmm!). Fear comes when you are used to concentrate toooooooo much on the negative. The more you do negative (it's like a drug addiction), the more negativity you need and attract. So, let's meditate please! Even if you don't believe in anything, you'd agree that you have a mind, am I right? Well, get rid of it for a while and discover yourself. Scary proposition, yes, I know, been there, done that. But that also will pass.

Let's train ourselves to turn around every negative mental chat and replace it by a positive one. Try for an hour, first. Then, try it for half a day, then a day, then see how long you can do it in a week. Train yourself! PMA (positive mental attitude) is a state of mind you create and also attracts the like. I've done it and it changed my life. So can you!