Do I live in a country where we need to reward kids for attending school so they would want to attend? What is my future when I’m “elder”, “senior” or any other euphemism I can think of it?
NPR broadcasted a news about paying students for good grades.
Acting that way, what are we teaching the future generation of adults, those adults that are going to be our community leaders tomorrow?
• All you do, even if it is for your own direct benefit should be rewarded.
• Education is not worth unless there is a reward for doing it.
• “Please, come to school because without you we won’t have enough money to continue this business”
• Yes, education is a big o’business!! You are the client: no client, no money, no job!
• Make sure you do business with us, so we can keep our jobs.
• We are willing to do whatever in order to keep you. Give you a video game box, TV, computer, feed you junk, so you feel really “comfortable” coming to school. In other words, we are willing to spoil you, feed your addictions, make you obese, and let you be on the couch watching TV like a potato, so we can run our business.
• Do nothing (even if it is for you) unless there is a value to it. Make sure you expect a reward, otherwise, don’t move a finger.
From this context, is education a right, a duty or a privilege?
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