Sunday, January 29, 2017

Purely Half naked

I go for a walk every day on the trail along the river. People run, jog, cycle, stroll, walk in all kinds of weather. The winter has been more than mild this year, so men enjoy themselves going half naked.
I always wonder why they don't feel in danger! Don't they consider the possibility of being assaulted because they are showing their boobs? What a mystery!
 I know for sure that if I, a woman, go half naked like that, running, not only will I be uncomfortable because my boobs would bounce all over the place, but I would also be afraid of someone jumping on me, raping me or arresting me!
So my simple question is: what makes for this difference in perceptions, consciousness, realities?
I saw a picture on Facebook from a "Ni una menos" demonstration in Argentina where a half naked man holds a sign saying, 
"I am half naked, surrounded by the opposite sex and I feel protected, not intimidated. I want the same for them (women)",
and I immediately remember my walks in the park.  
Again, who assumed that women would be indifferent to the sight of a half naked man? Why do women assume that all men would lust after a half naked woman after all? I have seen topless women at Saint Tropez and nothing happened to them. Absolutely nothing! 
I have concluded that those assumptions are just cultural constructions, a conditioning that we were injected in the brain since immemorial times, by society, religion, morality, values, and hypocritical twisted constructions that have determined our behaviors, and have created who we think we are. 

I understand that most women may not even want to expose their breast and for a variety of reasons, including sexism, but that is not what I argue about. And to cast some more light on my take on this, I will also quote another Facebook post showing Mr. New President surrounded by 7 men while he is signing a document denying the woman's (human) right to decide about her body without restrictions. Here men feel entitled to tell women what they should and shouldn't do. And I say here in USA, like I could say it about Iran or most places around the world. How come women never got the idea of going around making decisions about men's reproductive function? It's just because it seldom occurs to women, right? Maybe more of that than of the fact that women were never given the space and freedom to even think about it. In fact, women really need to start thinking about it. Aren't women tired of having to protect ourselves. Why wouldn't women "delegate" this protection on men? Aren't men reliable? If they aren't, why? All these are mental cultural constructions people acquire from the crib on to adulthood.

New winds are blowing, that make people realize the actual meaning of the well known quote from Proverbs 23:7, "as the man (and woman) thinks in his (her) heart, so is he (she)".  So, if one expects to change, one has to change first the way one thinks. Living "in the present" as many today's philosophers teach, does not necessarily refers to the time frame, but to a space where previous conceptions, mental formations, conditionings, past stories of ageless assumptions and values don't have any more meaning than just what they are: thoughts, some form of electrical energy that comes and goes in the mind. The present moment is a liberation of all past constructions, therefore is absolute freedom, infinite possibilities, countless ways to go, unlimited number of path to take. The present moment is a boat that has pulled anchor and can now set sail and navigate freely. 

As we have seen lately around the world, there are millions of people wanting change. We know exactly what we would like to change. Can we make it happen? Can we force it? No. That is why we need to go inside heart and mind, study our ways of thinking, observe, and operate that change from within. Technology has shown us the way, hasn't it? Devices need new software, new apps, updates, etc. Sometimes, they need reboot! Our minds need cleansing, wiping out all that is not longer useful; the mind needs purification. 

Purification (n): to make pure; free from anything that pollutes or contaminates.  To be free from extra or objectionable elements.

Then we will be able to rewire and reprogram, and will be ready to change our behavior and BE the change!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Mirrors y espejos

Gallery of mirrors

The whim of time and space
Fictitious and impostor, 
Like leaves in autumn swirled in the wind, 
Crosses our roads, 
separates us, 
reunites us again.

I came looking for you yesterday 
and you were not there. 
Today you come and do not find me. 
But the meeting is always timely, 
When it should be, neither before nor after, 
Without understanding the reason, 
The heart knows why. 
I recognize myself in your look that seeks its mirror in mine, 
Without asking, you also know why I arrived. 
I find in you the source that quenched my thirst, 
And my mirror reveals what you came for. 
You receive the ray of light that I have brought for you, 
You give me the balm I expected.

Although the senses deceive us 
And it seems that we are gone, 
that we are no longer, 
By the ray of light that I gave you, 
You will take me with you 
For the balm you gave me, 
I will take you with me. 
Because you and I are today, 
And yesterday and tomorrow, nothing.

Galería de espejos

El capricho del tiempo y el espacio, 
ficticios e impostores, 
como hojas en otoño arremolinadas en el viento, 
nos cruza los caminos, 
nos separa, 
nos vuelve a reunir.

Vine a buscarte ayer y no estabas 
hoy vienes tú y no me encuentras. 
Pero el encuentro es siempre oportuno, 
cuando debe ser, ni antes ni después, 
sin entender la razón, el corazón sabe por qué. 
Me reconozco en tu mirada 
que busca su espejo en la mía, 
sin preguntar, también tú sabes por qué he llegado. 
Encuentro en tí la fuente que sacía mi sed, 
y mi espejo te revela lo que viniste a buscar. 
Recibes el rayo de luz que he traído para tí, 
me entregas el bálsamo que yo esperaba. 

Aunque los sentidos nos engañen 
y parezca que nos hemos ido, que ya no estamos, 
por el rayo de luz que te entregué, 
me llevarás contigo, 
por el bálsamo que me diste, 
te llevaré conmigo. 
Porque tú y yo somos hoy, 
y el ayer y el mañana, nada.

Friday, January 13, 2017

New Year Solutions... I'm pretty sure you won't even smile at these.

Yes, I am delayed, but for a good reason:
Astrologers and Facebook say that 
we are still hanging on to 2016...
just for a few days tho.
A close family member always tells me,
'Mom, you are terrible at jokes"
so this post is gonna be very very very serious.
For example, I joke about English language,
like, why do you complicate your lives
pronouncing 'foot' and 'book' differently?
I don't know, probably for the same reason
Spanish complicates our lives giving gender to things!
'Oh, man' a friend said to me,
No, no, 'Oh, woman!' said I, and he corrected me, etc etc.
No, I shouldn't joke, EVER! 
I don't have talent for joking!
So now that we are close to really really really!
start a fresh New Year,
around the 27, they say anyway it may,
I had to find me some New Year Solutions, right?
At least like everybody else...
After all, yoga classes are full to the brim,
and restaurant parking lots too!
So first of all and most important goal
is to stop dieting;
I realized that I am getting used to not eating
and soon I may die of it.
I fell in love with the pink gecko in my bedroom,
what should I do?
I don't want to kill it...
It's so fragile that when I chase it
with my bug relocation device, I may crush it.
Quick, I need a solution for it.
I know, I will build a nest for it,
maybe it finds a partner,
having a house, marriage is easier.
Next up, water has become too expensive in my town,
so I will stop showering,
yes, that's it, the whole month,
then I will have myself invited to a slumber party
and shower at my friend's house. 
And so on and so forth, every month. Brilliant!
In fact it's already been 29 days without,
so, if no slumber party on the horizon,
I will shower in the rain today.
Anyway, there is always Barton Springs!
Oh, I almost forgot, 29!
It's gnocchi day... put some money under the plate.
The other day my best girlfriend was crying on my shoulder
because her fiancé... eehemm, well the complicated stuff,
she said, you're right, I realized that
men ... oh, well, they may not be...
What should we do?
Just shave your head, and become a nun,
nobody will bother you there,
you will bother no one there!
I'm not sure, she said, I am friends with a nun,
and she told me that hey come to her for advice!
So, I haven't found a solution for this one yet.
I got a cockroach in my ear,
and the doc said that it is too big to be true,
so I am on my own.
I will bait it then, maybe it will stick out its head.
Oh, how about it's shy?, too warm? too comfy?
Please give me suggestions.
My house burnt down to the slab,
then it was flooded,
but I solved this easily,
I'll sleep in my car and get a boat to get around.
Since 2016 was too bad for me,
I will change shoes this year, yes,
I need to try something different!
I burnt my food, but this one is easy too,
There is always something freshly made
in my neighbor's trash bin.
I will dye my hair light blue
to go to heaven faster.
I will wear black so I disappear.
I notice that Facebook has become too serious,
people protesting the status quo!!!
so unheard of!! 
I will shut off my account, no more watery feelings!
I found the love of my life, 
so I will keep practicing it,
loving it until I turn the lights this Sunday.
Then I won't need it anymore!
Talking about practice, I have a hard time learning dances,
I will practice them in the garden,
naked so I can see my feet.
The hole on the fence? you're asking,
No, I covered them all!
Gulp! I swallowed it! Agh! that fly fell in my water!
Oh, well, I needed some protein.
OK, it's time now... it's time for me to tell you,
the real truth, the one and only truth of why
I decided to write my revolution
In 2016 I have been ... ahem! constipated.
I have a year of words constipated in my throat, 
stuck in my vocal cords,
ideas, projects, wishes, hopes,
longings, speeches, bla bla bla,
small talks, big talks, discoveries,
desires, screams stifled in there, 
waiting for a tiny opening to come out.
My only hope this New Year is to let it all out!