Saturday, July 30, 2016

Mindfulness on the go

It's nice to practice mindfulness meditation where there are no disturbances, like home (with no small children), but another story is to practice anywhere, especially on the go. At least I am making the experience while hiking. The park trails I've walked are changing all the time, like everything else in the Universe. So, I started to realize every time I go it's like a whole new trail over again.

This is an interesting experience because when walking on a new trail, the walker has to be very alert, checking everything, all the senses awake, the mind sharply aware of every detail. Where does the trail go? What's the slope? And these stairs? Which path do I take when there are diversions? Is it dry or muddy, soft or slippery? Is that a stick or a snake? Sensations on the skin? Mosquitoes or horseflies? Then I notice that not many walkers have come lately, the spiders have had time to build their webs across the path, now they are stuck to my face. There is the constant buzzing noise of the cicadas. Then the sweat is coming, it itches, it runs inside my eye and other places.

It is humid and muddy from the recent rain.

There are loose rocks and my shoes give in sometimes.

Stairs in the woods?

And yes, lots of wildflowers because it's Texas after all. Time to stop and quench the thirst. 

This is the moment when I realize my mind is not thinking anymore, I am just in my body, experiencing it, experiencing the here and now, what is and is not. Just living alive. And it's a wonderful discovery!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Amor y vida

Amor que ensanchas el pecho,
te desbordas en todo lo visible,
que derribas fronteras.
y enlazas riberas,
y estás en la flor, en el fruto,
en la raíz y en el tallo,
en la rama verde y en el árbol seco,
en el loto y en el miasma.

Amor que vives en el niño y el anciano,
en la cuna y en el último lecho,
que mutas al gusano en su crisálida,
para darle alas y elevarlo.

Amor que iluminas y oscureces el alma
para develar el misterio de tu fuente,
que estás en el sol como en la luna,
en el aire, en el fuego y en el agua
para crear, formar y destruir,
para nacer y morir y volver en miríadas.

Amor que invades con tu música el alma
del que te escucha
que llevas de la mano al que te sigue,
que vives y eres todo lo que es,
que al morir los seres, no dejas de ser,
porque nada te destruye ni lastima,
desciende sobre nosotros tu caricia,
ayúdanos a verte
ayúdanos a oírte,
ayúdanos a sanar nuestras heridas,
a reconocerte en cada átomo, en cada nacimiento,
y en la muerte,
fortalece nuestras piernas desfallecientes,
ayúdanos a estar presentes en cada momento,
como tú estás siempre presente.

(Dedicado al nacimiento de Pilar).

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Drinking from the source

The Mediterranean sea is technically a lake with no tides, albeit its water is salty. So the Corsican has to rely on creeks and small rivers. These are the crystal clear waters of the Ota river which I dare to drink from.
However, people mostly have used drinking water coming out of the rock. Water from the mountains' snow percolates the rocks and comes out in different places. Then they usually build a tubing system and an end point where one can go to collect it for one's use. This next one was on the mountain road, don't remember the exact location but, I think it's on the way south to Ajaccio.

I did often go with my bottle, filled it and had my drinking water for the day.
Next one is the one at Evisa, Aitone. It is in town, sometimes the central square was built around it, with its "required" pétanque court.
There is a great variety of constructions, this one was build of pebbles and river stones at Partinello. 
Next one is at Porto, where I used to refresh my feet after a long walk and fill up my bottle too. Deliciously refreshing!
So you believe me when I say we drank from them, not only me, but people come out to the mountain roads and fill up their containers, as you can see next. This one is near the village of Porto going south, if I remember correctly.
I hope you enjoyed the visit to Corsica with me. Leave your comments, please.