Tuesday, December 26, 2017

the darkest night, we celebrate

It's cold and dark outside
let's go inside.
The darkest night starts.
We think that the light bulb will give us the needed light,
but we're struck to realize that the darkness doesn't go away.

We go back home, to see mother, father,
sisters or brothers, 
real life friends and foes,
who, like mirrors in the morning, show us our real face.

Suddenly, we see ourselves, vulnerably naked.
Conflicts, reactions, deep conversations,
real joy,
frank confessions or hypocrisy,
even fights and unbearable internal anguish,
all come out too clear to deny on that mirror of the other. 

Alone at home, there is no difference,
the empty space, the surrounding silence,
the long solitude hours, 
are also mirrors that reflect our real face.

As the sap goes down to the roots,
we too travel deep down inside,
looking at the essence of our being:
who am I really?
why my mother insists in the bread being perfect?
why my brother keeps drinking so much?
why my sister's on the phone in that corner?
why dad is always giving me advice?
why she's always ignoring me?
why do I react like this? 
why don't I care more?
And all the whys you can ask.

Some wonder if the holidays are celebration
or torture.
We are expected to do things,
we have to decorate,
we have to buy presents,
we have to cook this and that,
we have to go there,
they have to come here.
One way or another, the darkest night
touches us all with those emotions we've been avoiding all year long.
Still some others close down to them...
too painful to feel them.

If we choose to pay attention,
and allow ourselves to crack open, 
so the light gets in,
we may distill a purer sap to give life next Spring.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Fin del día - End of the day

Fin del día

El estanque tranquilo 
hoy esconde desazón bajo el agua.
cardúmenes y familias de tortugas,
y los sueños ahogados hace tiempo,
se agitan en el fondo.

El otoño deshoja mis ilusiones gastadas
Y el viento se lleva mi última esperanza.
El cielo encapotado de gris
Me abriga con su gélido manto
En mi jardín las flores ya se han muerto
Y no hay trinos que me despierten de madrugada
una carta que no llega es también un mensaje
de silencio helado que me inverna el alma.

La cansina letanía del tic tac en el reloj de la casa
me desdibuja el tiempo y el espacio de la espera
otro hoy que será pronto ayer,
pero mañana ya no llega.
 Un río de tristeza se me escapa
y me inunda de agonía.
Los pájaros y las Monarca migran escapando al frío,
los topos se enrollan en su nido bajo tierra,
pero cuando se cubre de hielo el alma,
y al corazón se le destrozan las alas,
la sonrisa apagada
¿adónde va a parar el amor que no se entrega?

End of the day

The still pond today is hiding
an underwater turmoil.
Schools of fish,
families of turtles,
and the dreams that have drowned long ago,

are simmering inside.

Autumn strips the leaves of my withered illusions,
and the wind takes away my last hope.
The sky overcast with gray
covers me with its icy mantle.
In my garden the flowers are already dead
and no trills wake me up at dawn.

A letter not arrived is also a message
of frozen silence that brings winter to my soul.
The weary litany of the clock ticking in the house
blurs the time and space of my waiting,
another today that will be soon yesterday;
but tomorrow never arrives.

A river of sadness runs out and floods me with agony.
The birds and the Monarch migrate,
escaping from the cold,
the moles are rolled tight in their nests underground,
but when the soul is covered with ice,
and broken are the wings of the heart,
the smile faded...
where does the unexpressed love go?

Friday, November 17, 2017

Poema al dictado - Dictation

y el híbrido se apaga,
la pausa silenciosa
te detiene en el tiempo y el espacio,
y ves tu cuerpo ahora
en el inexorable segundo que se esfuma,
que ya no es,
porque te has muerto
y renaces otra vez.

Y otra vez estás frente a tí,
sumergido en ese río de energía
que te arrastra, que te lleva
sin que sepas ni dónde ni cuándo
sin fronteras, diluído.

y el vehículo rretrocede,
te estacionas y el silencio
se cuaja, se expande y se difunde.
Te ves gota de agua en el océano
con el inexorable destino 
de evaporarte y ser,
porque te has vuelto
a la esencia que da nueva vida.

Vuelves, regresas
y el vehículo se enciende una vez más
aunque no quieras, estás.
Vas con él como jugando
el juego de ir buscando 
un nuevo experimento
de Amor, que es la Vida misma.
Ven, vamos.


You brake
and the hybrid shuts off
in silent pause.
It stops you in time and space
and you see your body now
in the inexorable fleeting second
that is no more,
because you've died
and you're reborn.

And you're again in front of yourself
immerse in that energy river
that carries you, and drags you
without your knowing where or when,
without boundaries, dissolved.

You restart
and the vehicle backs up,
you park and the silence
settles, expands and spreads.
You see yourself, water drop in the ocean,
with the unavoidable destiny
of evaporating and being,
because you've returned
to the essence that has given you new life.

You turn, return
and the engine turns on again,
although you don't want to, you are.
You go with it, like playing
a new experiment
of Love, that is Life itself.
Come, let's go!

Thursday, October 26, 2017


Some things don't make much sense,
unreasonable, illogical, 
unexpected, surreal,
impossible to explain,
coming out of the blue,
(deep blue, dark Universe?)

This moment in life 
when we are asked to give it all out,
to give up all 
we know to be true,
& leave it all behind
is the highest challenge of all.
The emotions run high,
our bodies are shaken,
our minds are squeezed, 
because we need a propulsion;
if life were nice, cozy & easy
we wouldn't move an inch,
so the strong emotions push us ahead. 

This is not a small task,
we are called on a mission from High;
if we accept the call
& decide to put on the red shoes,
the yellow brick road
will be in front of us all the way,
even if we don't know
what's at the  end of it.

I suspect the destination
is probably HOME!

Parque de Anaga, Tenerife

Monday, October 23, 2017



There is a shaking egg,
a new life force
striving to be born,
a future imprisoned in a shell,
its prison wall waiting to be torn.
Excited and anxious to see its tender body,
in awe at this tiny shape
I'm stunned by its mighty power.
Watching in wonder...
I'm tempted to hold it and help.
It struggles and breaks the first crack.

This life that already is,
wants to BE,
this baby bird coming out wants to fly,
this new "me" wants to experience and see,
this new future "being" wants to hurt and to cry,
Ancient Spirit of High wants a form for its bliss.
My silent reverence sits and observes
this tiny colossal of power through a split. 

I don't touch, I don't breath.
It rolls, it shakes s'more, it pushes and stings.
I'm afraid, I'm impatient, I freeze
when its little beak's out free.
It's not taking its time,
It's taking more strength
that will need to stand up.
It's not slow,
it's learning endurance and patience
that'll need to survive.
It's not tidy,
it's building perseverance and commitment
that'll need to go on.
It's not neat,
it's creating the masterpiece
of this, its new performance.

That is why I stay back,
and don't help you baby bird,
so you can walk on your own and succeed
here now.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

The answer

You arrived without memory,
double-faced guardian at the gate,
rooted down in this fleeting moment,
one face projecting to the future,
another one looking into the past,
one face watching for outside enemies,
the other looking after the abode.

Thinking that you know
what you have not yet seen.
You deceive me, and I still love you.
You mock me, and I still love you.
You spit on me, and I still love you.
You are angry, and I still love you.
You hate me, and I still love you.

You think you know,
but you can't see clear.
I love you so you understand
that without me you are not,
because Love gave you life.
I am Love.
You are me.
Anaga Park in North Tenerife, Canary Islands.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Why don't we talk to each other anymore?

Coming home from vacation on the plane, I watched two movies. "Hidden Figures" and "The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks". I cried, all the way through them. As a foreigner, I only come to understand Black culture and history through literature. I remember reading Langston Hughes in Spanish when I was a teenager, "Not without laughter". I didn't know he was black until I went to College in California! His novel seemed to me so normal and close to my own experience when I read it, that I didn't notice the real story behind.  But yes, I had also read "The Cabin of Uncle Tom" and cried, but that story felt like long gone history to me, in another strange world.

Now, the news hits us again. There is a picture of a small toddler with a white cone on her head in front of a police officer. There is pain. There is an unbearable pain in people's heart. We all know it's not just in this country. Every place, every people has its own pain history. I also have mine as a migrant, daughter, grand-daughter, and great grand-daughter and gggd of migrants. Even hundreds of years after, generation after generation we carry the pain. The suffering from this pain is now unbearable, and it's coming out violently, because people are hurt and broken. One only has to look at the faces of the Charlottesville aggressors arrested, they show deep emotional disturbance. They break others with their pain because that's all they have to give.

Why -one wonders- some people start hating each other?

At some point in their lives, they start believing "I am better, I am bigger, I am stronger, I am nicer, I am brighter, I am smarter, I am cleverer, I am more intelligent, I am slimmer, I am fatter, I am this or that more than you". Looking for identity, they can identify with a color, with a so called 'race', with a religion, with a country, with a nationality, with an ethnicity, with a culture, something they can represent and be. Why? Because we don't know to just BE (period). Then, they say, "mine is better, truer, stronger, nicer, smarter, cleverer, etc, or the only, or the best!". If you have been around children, you know that this is a toddlers' conversation: "my ... is better than yours". This is just human psychological evolution. The problem only comes when reality doesn't match what we are saying and we still have this need to BE SOMETHING, instead of just BEING.

So, in order to confirm the delusion, the person resorts to violence in fear (anger by now) of discredit. Then the other does not agree and also resorts to violence, etc.

I recently had the experience to share some time in a group with a person who was constantly stating how good, how smart, how clever, how beautiful, how skillful, how talented, how fit, how tall, how incredible, etc this person is. We were in front of quite a specimen! This person is in fact very talented, there was actually no need to boast about an obvious fact.

Why this person insisted in bragging about the qualities?

Is it to try to awake animosity? to make others feel inferior? to feel superior? Do the statements modify the reality? I don't know. Does it matter? In fact, there is no one person the same as another. We are all different. We have no chance to be the same. It's impossible. Another impossible is that in today's world we cannot keep an identity, of any kind. We are constantly changing, evolving at a pace we can't keep up with, because our identity is disintegrating with a purpose. Yes, our differences are important to help each other survive. Different cultures are different ways to find solutions to the problems we encounter. The more we contribute, the better are our chances to survive. In the end, deep down inside, we end up discovering that we are, in essence, all the same, a BEING. A being that experiences pain, sorrow, hunger, that needs love and fears not to receive it. We all have different and amazing talents that make us unique to serve each other, to help each other through this search of love, of wellbeing, and relief from suffering.

Why then, some people resort to violence?

Some people have suffered so much that they find themselves with no more emotional resources or endurance to find a way out by themselves. Often times, they don't even know, but they carry an ancestral suffering in their heart that they don't understand. In trying to answer this 'why', I think I understand, how oppression, rejection, social injustice, childhood traumas, conditioning, horrible environments they can't escape, lack of hope and ability. So many complex things happen in a person's life until one day, their heart burst into pieces. For some of us it's so hard to understand. I myself have been pondering this subject since I was a very young teenager. Even though some people are hard to bear, I was never able to hate anybody. I probably haven't suffered enough to get to that point.

One thing I know, and it is that only compassion can get us out of this hate tsunami. We probably won't be able to appease a terrorist, but we can appease hate, by helping the needy, we can be fair in our business deals, we can comfort the sorrowed, we can feed the hungry, we can be gentle with the angry, we can serve those that cannot help themselves, we can be kinder, we can be gentler in our relationships. And most of all, we can start making peace with our own selves. We don't need to be better that the other. We don't even need to be taller, brighter, smarter, cuter, thinner, bigger, beautifuller or supercalifragilisticexpialidociouser. Let us just BE (period). No more statements of judgement. And remember, whatever we choose to do has a domino effect. There is no small action, no small thought, no small person. The ripples we cause are infinite.

Another way to act instead of reacting is to open the dialog, to learn to listen, to start conversations, to get to know that 'other' that seems so different. Our challenge is to approach others with an empty mind, no judgement, no pre conceptions, and listen to what they have to say, to develop a genuine interest in the other. People also can become violent when they feel isolated, when they feel they don't belong, they are not listened to, when they can't connect with others. I encourage to start the conversation with a comment below, tell us why you suffer maybe, your hopes, your dreams, your feelings about violence, fear, anger. Open up, connect. Are you old enough to remember when there were no electronic devices and we spoke to people? If you are too young for that, know that there was a time when people talked to each other, and face to face too!

;) Sending you much love...

Monday, June 12, 2017

bigger picture

I enter my house to find everything upside down, and downside up. Emptied drawers contents spread all over the floor. All the cabinets content piled chaotically everywhere. Things that are supposed to be in the kitchen, are now on top of the bed, things from the bathroom in the kitchen, mixed in inconceivable ways. Everything is filthy or dirty in every way possible, mud, feces, waste water, trash on top of furniture. It's a pretty mess.

It's been a robbery -you guess, or would like to know-, was there a tornado, flood, earthquake, or some other cataclysm? No, this is just a picture of what the world is looking like around us nowadays. We see an unrecognizable picture of an already taken for granted reality. We assumed that we had conquered this right, solved that issue. We thought we had overcome that shameful past problem, that we had written that law, that we had grown civilized, and had every item in its place, unmovable, done! We thought we had the reality under our control, right? NO.

The fact is that our perception is hindered by all kinds of limitations. It's only the mind that makes the idea of what we have in front, there is no possibility for us to grasp the real thing, but its 'image'. This process is just like a camera taking a picture. The image can have 6 mpixels or 20 mpixels, it all depends on the capability of the camera. Our senses are not so good at giving us the right information from our environment. Our emotions tint our lenses and we end up seeing what we want to see instead of what we have in front of our eyes. It's like when we "fall" in love, we just project ourselves onto the other person and that's what we see. Only to discover later that we have a completely different person from what we had 'created' in our minds, and we believe ourselves deceived, when in reality we just deceived ourselves. Therefore, reality is just what you make up your mind to be.

We live in times when it is crucial for us to approach the most approximate perception of truth. More than that, we are hungry, thirsty, longing for truth. We can actually not stand ambiguity, lies or misleading information anymore.  We want truth in all levels of our life. Political, social, personal, you name it, we have realized that we cannot handle life that is tossed around by deceptions. How we get to it? We have approached and started the Aquarian Age, and it's not small deal. The mind and information are no useful anymore. There are overwhelming amounts of information and our minds are not able to make the right connections anymore, it is too much for our mental ability. Then our emotions get overboard, data overpower us. I personally have experienced a switch at this point, when I just want to seek isolation and seclusion to find out the truth. Maybe you have felt this need also.

And there you and I have the answer, the way to find the truth, our own and the collective truth. We need to go inside, find the silence of our beautiful soul and listen to the infinite silence. Some call it "listen to your heart", or open to your "consciousness". I like Ajahn Brahm's idea of 'stillness', the quiet place where you're not disturbed, where you can be aware of your own Self, and access the Higher Self -however you conceive it-, the symbolic place up on the mountain where the ancient sage climbed. That stillness is where emptiness starts, where we can let go of our hinderances, sensory, emotional, shortcomings, guilt, shame, fear, that place where we feel safe, where we experience real and unconditional Love.

It is in that place where we can start making sense of things, seeing them for the first time, reorganizing the chaos into a beautiful landscape. No, it is not putting all the items scattered throughout your house in their old place and order that you will find the peace of truth. It is only in your heart that you can arrange reality. Then, reality is what you make up your HEART to be.

When you try to communicate, don't listen to words said anymore, true communication happens through the invisible realm, from heart to heart. During the Aquarian Age, people will not need to use words and language the way we do now, because Love doesn't need them. Yes, we already feel more vulnerable, and that's why we are so afraid. However, once you know what is happening, once you get some practice at it, you can relax, let the energy flow, let yourself go, because that's where we are all supposed to go. Home.

Sending out much love!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

For what end?

When we are young, we want to become a doctor, an engineer, a mother or father, a mail carrier or plane pilot. And we think that's the purpose of life, to become someone 'recognizable' by society, someone that can be labeled as something -useful is what society expect us to be. Then we get it, whatever we designed it to be, and we keep feeling that's not it, there is something missing, and start expecting events in life that may make us happy. When I find love, when I have a child, when I achieve this or that, when I buy my own car or house, when I travel to a certain place, when I receive that prize, THEN I will feel complete and happy. Those things come and go and we are stuck on the same feeling. None of that seem to fill that empty spot inside, right?

If that's been your experience, welcome to the club. When I was in second year of High School, I wrote a poem for my second French class. "Ne cherche pas ta liberté au-delà de tes frontières [...]" (don't look for your freedom outside your boundaries) I lost the paper, but even though I don't have all the words, I know very well the meaning "Ne cherche plus parce qu'elle est toute entière dans toi" (don't look for it anymore because it is all inside you).  One day I recalled that 'message' from my youth and realized I had gone too far astray from my real purpose. I have done so many things that are absolutely unimportant and very few that are in line with what it is actually necessary. Even though, and as Oprah Winfrey says "there is no wrong path", they all lead to The Path that sooner or later we have to reach.

My mother has recently suffered a massive heart attack and survived, but she has lost some mental abilities, like short term memory and certain acquired knowledge and skills that she used to have. She had taught herself how to use technology like a laptop and a smart phone at 80, but now she seems to struggle placing a phone call, raising the volume and doing other things on the device. I often send her pictures, but I stopped when I realized that she accidentally sends them to other people without knowing what she is doing. This past month, she's been sending me my own picture every day and several times a day. Today, looking at it, I thought it might be a sign that I need to look at myself more closely, more often, more deeply probably. Usually, I don't spend more than a couple of minutes in front of the mirror each morning -just the time to check I put on my smile-, so looking at my own picture may do it. And the question came like a lightening strike: 'who am I really?', and 'am I fulfilling my purpose in this life?'

What have I come here to be? One thing I have realized (for real) these past two years is that I will not find it in the external world. The freedom I need is from my own chains, the freedom from my sense of separation and duality. How much this-here-now am I on this side? And how much that-there-then are you on that side? Aren't we 70% water, and that % of iron, of calcium, of hydrogen, of oxygen, of nitrogen, etc. etc. etc.? We believe that we are separate entities from the outside and from each other, but in fact our material form is a clever combination earthly elements shared by all living and non living entities. Elements that are coming and going through us, passing... In that sense we are all just evolving piles of matter. Certainly the water I hold today was the rain, the cloud or the pee of someone else some time ago. What separation do I believe in? Ha!, I am just a space holder, becoming, decomposing and recomposing constantly. Considering that what holds all the elements together intelligently is energy, what kind of separation is possible?

What is the energy that holds me together? And for what end? This is what the returning Saturn means for people of my age. I recommend reading "Once Upon a Midlife" Classic Stories and Mythic Tales to Illuminate the Middle Years,  by Allan Chinen, MD.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Ligero de equipaje - Travelling light

El sol despierta más temprano cada día
pero la casa está aún sombría,
los muebles alzan sus cuerpos sólidos
los cuadros manchan las paredes, 
y una multitud de recuerdos olvidados,
se eparcen y deslizan por todos los estantes,
ocupan los espacios, me obstruyen la vista,
Esas cajas en el placard
y las otras en la alacena,
repletos los cajones,
los grandes electrodomésticos 
y los pequeños, 
las mesas y sus sillas, y esos taburetes, 
y una histórica acumulación de libros 
en la biblioteca. 
Papeles sobre el escritorio, 
y todos esos almohadones, 
descansando en el sofá,
el piano y esas lámparas de pie,
ropa y más ropa, y zapatos,
revistas y folletos y rollos de cocina.
Toda esa abundancia satisfecha 
que me ha anclado en esta casa,
hoy no es más que montonera,
atrabanco peligroso,
ocupación excesiva de mi espacio. 

Todo obstruye la luz de la ventana,
y aquel rayo de sol que la vida me asoma.
Armo cajas y las lleno,
una y otra, y unos bolsos y bolsas repletos de vejeces en desuso,
y de inútiles objetos fantasmales,
que una vez tuvieron vida, pero que hoy están muertos de cansancio.
Me despojo, me deshago, me desdoblo,
me desnudo, me despliego, me desahogo.
Vacío los placares, los cajones,
los estantes y descanso.
Cargo el auto y me las llevo lejos.
Alguien más lo necesita más que yo.

Cuando vuelvo, la casa se ha agrandado,
hay luz por los rincones;
ese eco de mi voz y de la música es distinto,
y hasta el aire se mueve y es más fresco.
¡Qué alegría!

De pronto se me ocurre que es un poco así morirse,
vas soltando las amarras para respirar mejor, 
para ir más ligero de equipaje,
para subir más fácil a sentarse en la nube de la esquina
a tomar sol.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

How to tear down walls

Uncountable walls have been built throughout history between territories, between cultures, between peoples as protection from invaders, attacks to the uniqueness, integrity of society, culture, economy, and basic human rights. Paradoxically and to our dismay, we see a revival of walls as a fashion of our day, here now in the XXI Century.
Livestock fences in Guadarrama, Spain.

But why do people build walls? Before building them physically, we, human beings build them in our minds and heart. The materialization is just a reflection of what we have inside. So why do we erect walls, and what kind of walls we build in our subconscious or consciousness? We do because we live in fear. Thinking we are separate, we create boundaries in an attempt to keep the "other" out. We are afraid of being hurt, afraid of being "naked" in front of everybody. First wall is our clothing. Yes, clothes protect us from the weather, the heat, the cold, the wind, the rain, the snow, our fragility. Then we have doors with locks. They protect our privacy, the vulnerability we invented when we started accumulating "things" for our survival and comfort. Walls make us feel secure, but also give us the illusion of stability, permanency, immutability, the illusion of suspension in time and space. Walls also guard our illusion of ownership. We imagine that what is inside the walls is our property to keep forever. More obviously, walls, nowadays physical or virtual,  protect us from invasions and attacks.

But there is a more detrimental reason why we want walls. They represent our psychological and emotional restrains and limitations to our own personal growth and expansion. Do we have a wall so we don't go out and see the real world? So we don't learn different lessons and grow? So nothing changes? So we don't change? I think some people are afraid of migrating people, because they have broken their walls, they have dared to change, to learn a new language, to think differently, even though they have probably been forced to change. People who know how to change may represent a threat to our illusory state of "eternity".

Fear is also the opposite of love, so we also erect walls because we don't love ourselves, or each other. Do we use clothes to hide? Some people wear black clothing because they have the illusion to hide the overweighted, "imperfect" body. Still others wear them too big ... to hide "inadequacies"? Others cover their faces with thick layers of makeup to hide even more "imperfections". Still others build thick walls around their behavior in order to keep the "other" away. Some cultures have a well defined "personal space" of a certain measure, so when the "other" crosses the line, they feel invaded. And still others will not even taste new foods, try new ways of doing things, meet new people, make real connections with others because they are afraid of change, afraid of what others might think of them, afraid of getting sick, afraid of the ridicule, afraid of getting hurt some way, afraid, afraid, afraid, afraid, afraid. Alienated by fear!

If we want to tear down a physical or collective wall, we need first to study our own personal "walls" (read "fears") and accept the challenge of transformation. Imperfection is fine, our imperfections are perfect. Change is unavoidable, actually, change is the only constant. We discover that we are all "damaged goods". Vulnerability is unavoidable if we are to fulfill the purpose of our coming to this life. It is OK to be one way today, and another way tomorrow. This is unavoidable too. If you don't believe it, look at your own past. It is in the state of vulnerability and mutation that we have a real life, that we can have the experiences we need for our spiritual growth, and human development.

When we discover and identify our own fears, then we can work on accept and love ourselves as we are, and let them go. The best way is to let fear overcome us, feel it, overpower us. I know it takes courage!  I have done it myself. I almost died in my first child's delivery, so I thought "if I don't have another child, I will carry this fear forever". Then I decided to have a second child to overcome my fear. The second delivery was nothing like the first, and I felt liberated. It was not the only time I tried this strategy, since then, I always do the best I can with what I have.

I also developed patience this way, because there is a process of "digestion" involved, and you need to wait for the results. Big experiences may feel like a boa eating an elephant, for example, taking months to digest it, years maybe. Some fears are like elephants, and we need to find patience, compassion, comprehension, self love, love for others to overcome them. When you discover your fear this way, you understand that we all, human beings, fear the same things; we are all in the same journey, so we can also have patience and comprehension with each other. That's when you have torn down the walls between you and the others, because you have realized that we are all afraid of the same things. We don't feel separate anymore. With the stones of the torn down wall, we have build a bridge.

Something else I discovered is that the gut sensations of fear feel the same as those of courage. When I first started writing hesitantly in English, I thought people could be laughing about my mistakes, word misuse, grammar errors, and such, and frankly, I was afraid of the ridicule. But I thought, Oh well, who doesn't make mistakes? In any case, the message goes through, which is the most important. In any case, no one will live my life and do what I am supposed to do here. So, I named those feelings, courage, and went on to write, even though I knew I needed an editor. Walls can be as simple as that, not doing what you are called to do because of your own insecurities. They may seem small walls, but they have huge effects on our development and self esteem. Fear never makes us feel good about ourselves, it diminishes us. Love does. Love instills expansion in everything we do, it breaks walls, borders and frontiers. What we do in love liberates us and others at the same time. Choose love instead of fear, and walls will fall of their own weight.

Saturday, April 1, 2017



I come from a shadow world 
groping my way,
hitting my head, stumbling around,
sometimes slowly, often running,
in the hope of seeing 
a little light at the end of the tunnel.
From time to time, I hum my old saying,
“Don't look for freedom
beyond your fences,
don't seek beyond anymore
it is all inside you.”
But one day I heard that song 
and sang it for the first time.
Then you've arrived slowly,
also blind like me, 
I understood you, you understood me.
without even knowing,
I was at the door where the light blinds the eye,
you called me, I answered,
and the Door opened wide, 
I called you, you answered,
and you too were there, ready to cross the threshold,
each with our own light beam,
you saw your path, 
I found mine.

~ o ~


Je viens d’un monde sombre 
où je marchais à tâtons
en me cognant la tête, en me cassant les pieds,
parfois lentement, souvent en courant
avec l’espoir de voir 
une petite lueur au fond du noir.
Je chantonnais de temps en temps ma vieille chanson,
“Ne cherche pas la liberté 
au-delà de tes frontières,
ne cherche plus au-delà
parce qu’elle est entièrement dans toi.”
Mais un jour je l’ai entendu 
et l’ai chantée pour la première fois.
Alors je t’ai vu arriver lentement,
toi aussi, aveugle comme moi, 
je t’ai compris, tu m’as compris.
Sans même savoir,
j’étais à la Porte où la lumière aveugle,
tu m’as appelée, j’ai répondu,
et la Porte s’est ouverte de par en par, 
je t’ai appelé, tu as répondu,
et toi aussi tu étais là, prêt à franchir le seuil d’argent,
chacun avec son rayon de lumière,
tu as vu ta route, 
j’ai trouvé la mienne.

Picture by William Colsher, Quadrifrons Arch of Janus

Monday, March 6, 2017

Growing up... side by side instead of up and down.

Hope and Love were a lovely parakeet couple I adopted some years ago. They were my perfect pets, small, beautiful, vulnerable and happy and above all, talkative. We’d chat a lot and developed a tender relationship, they were so sweet and adorable in their birdy way!
I was fascinated with their life. When I understood that they were a couple and the eggs needed a nest, they got a wooden box appended to their cage, with a lid & a hole connecting to the cage. I followed all the stages of their breeding; was touched by the “naked” tiny bodies of the seven or eight eggs that hatched. Hope, the mother, let me touch her and them. We spend very tender moments together. The babies were growing under my eyes so fast, getting “dressed” in gorgeous green, yellow, light blue, white and blue feathers. Love, the father, would take his turn lovingly feeding, grooming them and cleaning the nest. And both, father and mother would take care of each other’s and their babies “nits”.

As the babies were growing up, the nest started becoming too small for nine or ten birds. It was time to leave the nest, but the babies were not willing to leave the comforts of it. Their parent’s feeding and caring were too good to give up. Plus, it was really warm and cozy inside, so, why should they leave? Peeping through the hole, the world out there didn’t look attractive. Cold, rainy at times, they would have to fetch their own food and water. You got the picture!

Yet, one morning I hear a strong wing-flapping, bird screams & thuds inside the nest. I go outside to see one of the babies expelled violently through the hole, tries to fly away, grasps the cage wires and gets “stuck” there shaking in fear and… bleeding! Yes! Father had hurt the baby to bleed to force him or her out. It was his “now grow up and fly away” command. I had to find a separate cage for the babies to be on their own, then give them away or free them. Love would not let them in his house anymore.

Isn’t this a very familiar picture of our human conditioning? However, not only is it true at the personal level, but at humanity’s level as well. I heard comments about our present situation, “we are going back to the Middle Ages”. That’s no news! Hasn’t humanity lived under a Medieval system so far to this present moment? With an elite at the top holding power and resources, slaves or “sheep” at the bottom serving them, clergy in between to brainwash them so they keep calm in face of their extreme hardships, and last but not least, soldiers all around to “protect” them (the elite of course!). To top it all, that father figure that it was thought to be there to organize it all, guide us, protect our rights, heal us, etc. etc. seemed to have either vanished or transformed, never fulfilling its expected mission. However, that was the Piscean Age. Today, we, the children, have already discovered that we have been deceived, the brainwash doesn’t work anymore. Especially since the Holocaust, there has been a huge insurmountable crevasse. It turned out that on the one hand, the evolving masculine energy, the new “father figure” is kicking us out of his “nest”, and on the other hand, the feminine energy is getting stronger, the vulnerable baby inside needs to “grow up” and learn how to “fly” on its own.

What is this all about? So far, humanity has relied on someone up there, the “father” to “feed” us, to “care” for us, to tell us what we can and cannot do, to protect us, to make the laws that would guide us on the right way. So, most people had adopted the dictated lifestyle, “métro (auto), boulot, dodo” (+screen, in the last century). We have believed what we were told and took it as “dogma”, just because of the assumption that “Father knows better” and He would save me from trouble if I do what I am told, because He is supposed to look after my wellbeing. ‘Big Brother said it on TV, so it’s true’ and after all, that’s the way we’ve done it for millennia.’ Right? Guess what? Go back to the Medieval system and find the answer.

What are the tools that the “Father figure” masculine energy has used over the ages (Middle Age so far) to maintain the up-down system? Fear. Numbness. Emotional paralysis. Remember the medieval castles, fortresses and ramparts? They used to protect the town from invaders. Today, fear is the perfect wall. It has built security blocks at airports, it has built walls, stone and firewalls, and all kinds of them, from xenophobia and hating the “other” to keep it away, de facto segregation, gentrification, to horrific wars. If we don’t know fear, we haven’t lived on this planet! Numbness is the perfect tool to submit people. We are numbed by ignorance in educational systems that misguide us and discourage our learning skills and critical thinking. In order to succeed in the exams, we need to give the “correct” answers. Numbed by dogmatic religious beliefs, as well as ageless dogmatic conditioning in all aspects of life. And we should obey because it is written somewhere. However, the most modern and sophisticated tool to overpower people is drugs. The older reader remembers the summer of 1968. Do you remember Kent 1970? Governments everywhere realized that thinking young people are “dangerous” to the status quo. The solution to that is easy. Let’s benumb them! And all the while let them feel happy about it. Yogi Bhajan name it ‘cold depression’, it is nothing other than emotional paralysis. Very simple principle: No emotions, no reactions. There are probably people who are still free from fear, numbness and emotional paralysis and still others suffer various degrees of those. However, with a global perspective, those are a tiny proportion. There might be a too big generalization, I agree. The purpose is to broaden the perspective and help us envision the big picture. We are growing up. We are waking up. Do we know who we are? What does it mean to grow up?

Now, in the Aquarian Age, the feminine energy is rising up to the surface. It’s not about gender identity or choice, although it is also manifested in that. Homosexual people are ahead in their achievement of balancing masculine and feminine energies. They even seem to be better at successfully raise children especially when the couple has a neat balance of those energies. At any rate, in general, men have evolved to acquire more gentle ways (they take care of household chores and babies), and women more assertive ways (they take work positions that traditionally were reserved only to men). It is about energy shifts towards less polarization. This means that we are following a tendency to level energies. Although, there are unexpected implications that we are still figuring out. It’s nice to have a husband who takes care of the baby while mother works, and it’s nice to have a wife who works while the husband goes to school, right? These small-scale changes, like a domino effect translate into society and into humanity at a very rapid rate, and keep provoking unforeseen transformations. People look for more compassionate, ethical and gentle ways of doing business that benefit everybody and that are sustainable for the earth. Like my baby birds, we have this new freedom challenge, but are still inside this patriarchal cage, hanging on to the wires, shaking from wonder and insecurity, looking for a way out.

It might be clearer now why I say there is no use of fighting the old, because it is fading away as the masculine energy is toned down and the feminine energy is validated. Either we cannot trust to follow the dictations of the father figure or he completely disappears from the scene. We are in limbo. What we really need is to search and discover what to do with this new energy balance. Unlike I did with my baby birds, a new “cage” is not an option. The only option is to fly free. The only option is to take responsibility. We are ready to design a new organization for humanity that is in agreement with the leveled energies, working side by side instead of up and down. We start realizing that we need to live in agreement with those inner changes, to be coherent.  We are ready to create new ways of being, new ways of doing, new ways of learning, aimed at the wellbeing of all, including the house we live in, the earth. At the present stage, learning is crucial. So far, we relied too heavily in what we were told by others, TV and other media, scientists, professionals, specialists, people with a paper certifying their knowledge or rank. We sadly discovered how easily we were lied, misled, misinformed, and plainly duped. It seems that nowadays the best way to learn is through silence, introspection, intuition, meditation and soul searching, and first hand research. It is time to rely on the creativity of our feelings. As the old saying advises, “follow your heart”.