However, I'm not as bitter as Alceste as to hate society, and I can agree with Philinte to a certain extent, I still have the hope that things will change. There will be a time when nobody will be able to hide behind a poker face or any fake composture. Now, don't be fool to believe that nobody sees your faking. We'll be transparent, we won't be able to lie to each other because it'll be apparent. We'll be able to speak and act from the heart when we disagree with others.
There will be a time when we'll care for others as we do for ourselves and will be better at being human. We'll have respect for others' feelings and viewpoint, more able to place ourselves in others' shoes.
There will be a time when we'll want for others what we want for ourselves and be more willing to share from inside, not only from our material possessions.
There will be a time when we'll live in peace. I believe in it, and "I'm not the only one!"
that's one reason i've always valued friends who can be honest with me as i am with them... otherwise, they're not really friends!
It's amazing how soon one realizes one has so few friends! Like the Little Prince used to say: "this is a lonely and weird planet!"
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